Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Video Games

Video Games
History of Video Games
Video games were introduced as a commercial entertainment medium in 1971, becoming the basis for an important entertainment industry in the late 1970s/early 1980s in the United States, Japan, and Europe. After a disastrous industry collapse in 1983 and a subsequent rebirth two years later, the video game industry has experienced sustained growth for over two decades to become a $10 billion industry, which rivals the motion picture industry as the most profitable entertainment industry in the world.Do you have domains yahoo.

A device called the Cathode-Ray Tube Amusement Device was patented in the United States by Thomas T. Goldsmith Jr. and Estle Ray Mann. The patent was filed on January 25, 1947 and issued on December 14, 1948. It described using eight vacuum tubes to simulate a missile firing at a target and contains knobs to adjust the curve and speed of the missile. Because computer graphics could not be drawn electronically at the time, small targets were drawn on a simple overlay and placed on the screen.In February 1951, Christopher Strachey tried to run a draughts programme he had written for the NPL Pilot ACE. The program exceeded the memory capacity of the machine and by October, Strachey had recoded his program for a machine at Manchester with a larger memory capacity.Do you have domains yahoo.
OXO, a graphical version of tic-tac-toe, was created by A.S. Douglas in 1952 at the University of Cambridge, in order to demonstrate his thesis on human-computer interaction. It was developed on the EDSAC computer, which uses a cathode ray tube displaying memory contents as a visual display. The player competes against the computer (which incorporates basic Artificial Intelligence) using a rotary dial.Do you have domains yahoo.
In 1958 William Higinbotham created a game using an oscilloscope and analog computer.Aptly titled Tennis for Two, it was used to entertain visitors of the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York.Tennis for Two showed a simplified tennis court from the side, featuring a gravity-controlled ball that needed to be played over the "net", unlike its successors. The game was played with two box-shaped controllers, both equipped with a knob for trajectory and a button for hitting the ball. Tennis for Two was exhibited for two seasons before its dismantlement in 1959.Do you have domains yahoo.

Home computers
While the fruit of development in early video games appeared mainly (for the consumer) in video arcades and home consoles, the rapidly evolving home computers of the 1970s and 80s allowed their owners to program simple games. Hobbyist groups for the new computers soon formed and game software followed.Soon many of these games (at first clones of mainframe classics such as Star Trek, and then later clones of popular arcade games) were being distributed through a variety of channels, such as printing the game’s source code in books (such as David Ahl’s Basic Computer Games), magazines (Creative Computing), and newsletters, which allowed users to type in the code for themselves. Early game designers like Crowther, Daglow and Yob would find the computer code for their games—which they had never thought to copyright—published in books and magazines, with their names removed from the listing. Early home computers from Apple, Commodore, Tandy and others had many games that people typed in.Do you have domains yahoo.
Another distribution channel was the physical mailing and selling of floppy disks, cassette tapes and ROM cartridges. Soon a small cottage industry was formed, with amateur programmers selling disks in plastic bags put on the shelves of local shops, or sent through the mail. Richar Garriott distributed several copies of his 1980 computer role-playing game Akalabeth in plastic bags before the game was published.Do you have domains yahoo.

Video game crash of 1977
In 1977, manufacturers of older obsolete consoles and pong clones sold their systems at a loss to clear stock, creating a glut in the market and causing Fairchild and RCA to abandon their game consoles. Only Atari and Magnavox stayed in the home console market.Do you have domains yahoo.

Second generation (1977–1983)
Main article: History of video game consoles (second generation)
In the earliest consoles, the computer code for one or more games was hardcoded into microchips using discrete logic, and no additional games could ever be added. By the mid-1970s video games were found on cartridges. Programs were burned onto ROM chips that were mounted inside plastic cartridge casings that could be plugged into slots on the console. When the cartridges were plugged in, the general-purpose microprocessors in the consoles read the cartridge memory and ran whatever program was stored there. Rather than being confined to a small selection of games included in the box, consumers could now amass libraries of game cartridges. The first of these consoles to use the ROM cartridge format was the Fairchild 'Video Entertainment System (VES)', released in 1976.Do you have domains yahoo.
Three machines dominated the second generation of consoles in North America, far outselling their rivals:
In 1977, Atari released its ROM cartridge based console called the Video Computer System (VCS), later called Atari 2600. Nine games were designed and released for the holiday season. It would quickly become by far the most popular of all the early consoles. Do you have domains yahoo.
Intellivision, introduced by Mattel in 1980. Though chronologically part of what is called the "8-bit era", the Intellivision had a unique processor with instructions that were 10 bits wide (allowing more instruction variety and potential speed), and registers 16 bits wide. The system, which featured graphics superior to the older Atari 2600, rocketed to popularity. Do you have domains yahoo.
ColecoVision, an even more powerful machine, appeared in 1982. Its sales also took off, but the presence of three major consoles in the marketplace and a glut of poor quality games began to overcrowd retail shelves and erode consumers' interest in video games. Within a year this overcrowded market would crash. Do you have domains yahoo.
In 1979, Activision was created by disgruntled former Atari programmers. It was the first third-party developer of video games. Many new developers would follow their lead in succeeding years.Do you have domains yahoo.

Early online gaming
Dialup bulletin board systems were popular in the 1980s, and sometimes used for online game playing. The earliest such systems, in the late 1970s and early 1980s, had a crude plain-text interface, but later systems made use of terminal-control codes (the so-called ANSI art, which included the use of IBM-PC-specific characters not actually part of an ANSI standard) to get a pseudo-graphical interface. Some BBSes offered access to various games which were playable through such an interface, ranging from text adventures to gambling games like blackjack (generally played for "points" rather than real money). On multiuser BBSs (where more than one person could be online at once), there were sometimes games allowing the different users to interact with one another; some such games of the fantasy role-playing variety were known as MUDs, for "multi-user dungeons". These games eventually evolved into what are known today as MMORPG.Do you have domains yahoo.
Commercial online services also arose during this decade, starting with a plain-text interface similar to BBSs (but operated on large mainframe computers permitting larger numbers of users to be online at once), and moving by the end of the decade to fully-graphical environments using software specific to each personal computer platform. Popular text-based services included CompuServe, The Source, and GEnie, while platform-specific graphical services included Quantum Link for the Commodore 64, AppleLink for the Apple II and Macintosh, and PC Link for the IBM PC, all of which were run by the company which eventually became America Online; and a competing service, Prodigy. Interactive games were a feature of these services, though until 1987 they used text-based displays, not graphics.Do you have domains yahoo.

Third generation (1985–1989)
Main article: History of video game consoles (third generation)
In 1984, the computer gaming market took over from the console market following the crash of that year; computers offered equal gaming ability and since their simple design allowed games to take complete command of the hardware after power-on, they were nearly as simple to start playing with as consoles.Do you have domains yahoo.

Fourth generation (1989–1996)
Main article: History of video game consoles (fourth generation)
The Sega Mega Drive(known in North America as the Sega Genesis) proved its worth early on after its debut in 1989. Nintendo responded with its own next generation system known as the Super NES in 1991. The TurboGrafx-16 debuted early on alongside the Genesis, but did not achieve a large following in the U.S. due to a limited library of games and excessive distribution restrictions imposed by Hudson.Do you have domains yahoo.
The intense competition of this time was also a period of not entirely truthful marketing. The TurboGrafx-16 was billed as the first 16-bit system but its central processor was an 8-bit HuC6280, with only its HuC6260 graphics processor being a true 16-bit chip. Additionally, the much earlier Mattel Intellivision contained a 16-bit processor. Sega, too, was known to stretch the truth in its marketing approach; they used the term Blast Processing to describe the simple fact that their console's CPU ran at a higher clock speed than that of the SNES (7.67 MHz vs 3.58 MHz).Do you have domains yahoo.
In Japan, the 1987 success of the PC Engine (as the TurboGrafx-16 was known there) against the Famicom and CD drive peripheral allowed it to fend off the Mega Drive(Genesis) in 1988, which never really caught on to the same degree as outside Japan. The PC Engine eventually lost out to the Super Famicom, but retained enough of a user base to support new games well into the late 1990s.Do you have domains yahoo.
CD-ROM drives were first seen in this generation, as add-ons for the PC Engine in 1988 and the Mega Drive in 1991. Basic 3D graphics entered the mainstream with flat-shaded polygons enabled by additional processors in game cartridges like Virtua Racing and Star Fox.
SNK's Neo-Geo was the most expensive console by a wide margin when it was released in 1990, and would remain so for years. It was also capable of 2D graphics in a quality level years ahead of other consoles. The reason for this was that it contained the same hardware that was found in SNK's arcade games. This was the first time since the home Pong machines that a true-to-the-arcade experience could be had at home.Do you have domains yahoo.

Sixth generation (1998–2006)
Main article: History of video game consoles (sixth generation)
Sega released the Dreamcast.
Dance Dance Revolution was released in Japan.
Nintendo released the Game Boy Color.

Sony released the PlayStation 2.
The Sims was released. It was an instant hit and became the best-selling computer game of all time, surpassing Myst.

Nintendo released the Nintendo GameCube and the successor to the Game Boy Color, the Game Boy Advance

Microsoft entered the videogame console industry by releasing its home console, Xbox. Its flagship game, Halo: Combat Evolved, is also available at the system's launch.
Sega announced they would no longer manufacture hardware and discontinue the Dreamcast. However, from that time through 2006, the DC saw continued publication of hardcore games like arcade shooters, graphic adventures, and homebrew software. Do you have domains yahoo.
Grand Theft Auto III is released. In the Australian market, it was banned due to breaches of Office of Film and Literature Classification guidelines and pulled off shelves. It was later re-released with modified code.

Sega became a third-party developer and publisher for all other current machines and the PC.

Infogrames, owner of the Atari intellectual properties, changed its name to Atari.
Nintendo released the improved Game Boy Advance SP in March.
Nokia entered the handheld market with its N-Gage game-phone hybrid on October 7.
PS2 Linux Kit is launched.Do you have domains yahoo.
Halo 2 was released in November, becoming the largest entertainment release at the time. Within 5 days of release, Halo 2 becomes the best-selling Xbox game.[citation needed]
Half-Life 2 was released in mid-November, and goes on to become one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time, with almost universal praise.[citation needed] Do you have domains yahoo.
Guitar Hero is released, with great reviews.[citation needed]

[edit] Seventh generation (2004–Present )
Main article: History of video game consoles (seventh generation)

The neutrality of this article is disputed.Please see the discussion on the talk page.(December 2007)Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved.

Nokia releases a re-tooled N-Gage, the N-Gage QD.
Nintendo released the Nintendo DS on November 21.
Sony released the PlayStation Portable on December 12.

Nintendo reveals early details of their next-generation video game console, the Wii (then codenamed "Nintendo Revolution") during E3. At TGS Nintendo reveals their "revolutionary" controller. It includes tilt, position and movement sensors, and is one-handed (though an attachment can occupy the other hand for some games.) Do you have domains yahoo.
The Hot Coffee Mod is released for the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas which enables a previously disabled "sex minigame." Hacks to enable this previously unavailable content on other platforms are quickly created by the users. The game's rating is raised to AO in the US, which removes it from virtually all mainstream stores. Rockstar Games re-releases the game without the hidden content, bringing it back to an M rating—as well as a patch to remove the minigame from existing PC versions.Do you have domains yahoo.
Sony demonstrates the PlayStation 3 during a pre-E3 press conference. Anticipation for the console's release grows steadily. It is announced that it will have an MSRP of either US$500 or US$600, depending on included features. Do you have domains yahoo.
Nintendo redesigns the Game Boy Advance again with the Game Boy Micro on October 2.
In November, Nokia announces the N-Gage will be discontinued until at least 2007.[verification needed]
Microsoft releases their second video game console, the Xbox 360 on November 22. It is well received in America,[clarify] with resold units going for much higher than MSRP on the secondary market but suffered in the Japanese market, with many retailers having to go to extreme measures just to get them off the shelves. Although widely regarded as a superb console, stock shortages as well as system instability or poorly manufactured systems have marred this otherwise-successful launch.Do you have domais yahoo.
The video game Spore is shown at the GDC, and is received well, due to its procedural generation and massively single-player style.

The Nintendo DS Lite
The Nintendo DS Lite, a redesign of the Nintendo DS is announced on January 26, with a release set for March 2.
Nintendo announces Wii on April 27. Wii (pronounced "we") features a new controller with an unorthodox, remote control-like shape, and, to encourage new users to play, features motion sensitivity (where you move the remote in real life affects the on screen gameplay).
At E3 2006, The Bungie Team announces the 3rd game in the Halo trilogy.
Again, Sony demonstrates the PlayStation 3 at a pre-E3 press conference. First- and third-party games are revealed. The redesigned controller is said to have tilt-sensitivity, looks more like the DualShock controllers, and has lost rumble functionality in order to accommodate a motion sensor within the controller and comply with legal action taken against them. It is confirmed that there will be two packages. One is sold for about $499 with a 20 GB hard drive, and the other $599 with 60 GB and Wi-Fi. Prices in the PAL region are set to be as much as 33% higher or more. The system launched with 80,000 consoles in Japan on November 11 and 400,000 consoles in North America on November 17, with the PAL region following in March 2007. Originally the PAL markets were also going to have a November 2006 release, but was pushed back due to a shortage of parts. Do you have domains yahoo.
Envizions Computer Entertainment announced Evo: Phase One, a "next generation media hub" that "allows customers to pause, rewind and record live TV, store family photos, play 3D PC games, and access console like applications." Though noted as being a powerful system, its price tag is higher than that of any other console this generation; its RRP is set at US$679.99.
Sony releases the PlayStation 3 on November 11. When the PS3 is released in the US, chaos erupts at several locations due to high demand and extremely limited retailer supply; two men were shot, and many others were injured.
Nintendo launched the Wii on November 19.

In March, Microsoft announces a new version of the Xbox 360 dubbed "Elite" that includes HDMI video output and upgrades the hard drive capacity to 120 GB. The new version also comes in a new color: black. Microsoft also introduces existing accessories in black alongside the release of the upgraded system. First speculation thought it to be on a limited production run, but then later revealed to be added as a third model to the lineup. In addition to the new Xbox 360, Microsoft increased the warranty of the Xbox 360 from 1 year to 3 years due to the number of complaints of the consoles "Red Ring of Death" problems.Do you have domains yahoo.
Sony announces the discontinuation of their 20 GB version of the PS3 in North America due to the Americans favoring the 60 GB version.
Despite predictions of poor sales due to its backwards-compatibility problems and pricing controversies, the Playstation 3 enjoyed a strong late-March launch in Europe, selling 600,000 units in the first two days. Do you have domains yahoo.
In early July, Sony dropped the price of the 60 GB PS3 by $100 (now $499) to increase sales in the American market (no price reduction in the Europe market), however no new 60 GB units were to be assembled and the 60 GB stocks were reported to last only a few months. Also announced was an 80 GB PS3 bundle (with MotorStorm) that would replace the 60 GB version on the shelf at $599. do you have domains yahoo.
At E3 2007, Sony released information that a new version of the PlayStation Portable, known as the PlayStation Portable Slim (also called PSPLite—in similarity with DS Lite or PSP-2000). It was released on September 10, for all regions.
Halo 3 is released by Microsoft and becomes the fastest-selling video game in history, generating a revenue of $170 million in North America during its first 24 hours of release. In addition, it also became the fastest-selling entertainment release in history, beating the previous record holder, the movie Spider-Man 3, by a significant margin.do you have domains yahoo.
On September 12, 2007, it was reported by the Financial Times that the Wii had surpassed the Xbox 360, which was released one year previously, to become the market leader in worldwide home console sales for the current generation. Do you have domains yahoo.
Rock Band is released by MTV Games. The game comes bundled with a guitar, drums, and a microphone in which up to four players can play a song together.

Nokia Corporation launched its 2nd generation N-Gage platform on April 3, 2008


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